Singing Tests

The school year is in full swing and we are already gearing up for our FABULOUS Christmas pageant- Christmas in Black and White! Do you have the songs stuck in your head yet???

We will have small singing goals each week. You will need to learn a verse or chorus each week for your buddy song, then we will have some tests during class.

Here’s how it will work: I will call up groups of 4 with similar voice types and have you sing through the parts of the songs you will be expected to know. If you need to work out some pieces of the song, I will give you some coaching. These are for a grade, but you will be well prepared for each test, and I know you will rock it!

I am embedding a video from a church production of our show. See me if you need the time stamp for your buddy song so you can sing along and practice at home.

I’ll see you guys soon!